Tijdstip: 02-06-2023 van 19:00 tot 21:00
Prijs: € 30,00 per keer
Inloopconsult: Nee
Engelstalig: Ja
Naar organisator

An evening with Lars Muhl and Naleea Landmann

Danish author, musician and mystic Lars Muhl and Naleea Landmann return to the beautiful DeRoos Center in Amsterdam for an Evening of Healing and Meditation. In their own unique way, they combine humour, storytelling, ancient Essene wisdom and practices, healing frequencies and sacred chants and sounds.

In times of need, we inevitably look for solutions to our problems. But if we keep getting the same answers, we don’t realise what the real problem is: our search for solutions is in the wrong places. Most of the decisions we make are based on our understandable desire for materialistic security and comfort. Before we take any step, we usually want to be sure of the outcome, always remaining in control. In this way, we limit ourselves again and again and never get to the point where we can exceed or go beyond our limits.

Having realised that we can achieve much more if we leave the intellect aside to get long-lasting and sustainable answers of wisdom, we ask ourselves: how can we implement and realise this in our daily lives? Who are we? Where do we come from? What are we doing here and where are we going?

Based on many years of spiritual experience, Lars Muhl and Naleea Landmann invite you to a very special evening of healing – with inspiration and practice, chanting and meditation and being in sacred community, where they will take us into the world of answers. If we are willing to listen to the answers from our inner silence and contemplation, we will experience how these will merge into a guiding stream of light that will carry us through our everyday lives.

During this evening you will:
– Learn to understand why the constant search in the outside and in material things does not bring lasting satisfaction in your life.
– Realise that you already have all the knowledge and wisdom that has ever existed within you.
– Learn how to get long-term answers to your questions.
– Experience the transformative power of stillness in meditation.
– Immerse yourself in powerful practices, sacred sounds and ceremonial chanting together in a group.

Date: Friday 02.06.
Time: 19:00-21:00
Price: 30 Euro

Language: Englisch
Venue: De Roos Center, P.C. Hooftstraat 183, 1071 BW Amsterdam
Centrally located in Amsterdam city.
It’s possible to buy organic and vegetarian food in the venue’s cafe.


On 03./04.June Lars Muhl and Naleea Landmann will be holding a weekend Workshop in De Roos: „The White Dove Healing“