1-Day Retreat: Being Worth The Money

Tijdstip: 03-02-2024 van 09:00 tot 17:30
Prijs: € Zie beschrijving per keer
Inloopconsult: Nee
Engelstalig: Ja
Naar organisator

1-Day Retreat: Being Worth The Money


How much should people pay for what you offer? How hard do you need to work before you can receive?

After years of doing sales, playing this game of value exchange, I became more and more aware of the squeeze of money people experience.

  • Should I keep my stable job or freelance?
  • How much should I charge in my business?
  • I am working so hard, but what do I get back?

All questions that, somewhere, somehow, go back to: what am I worth?

This 1-day retreat is a powerful and transformative experience around the topic of money.

< €12.500 €75
€100 €35.000-50.000
€150 > €50.000 €200

To be inclusive we will host this retreat in English, with the possibility to speak your own language where, if necessary, we can explain in Dutch, Italian or Spanish.









Teacher/instructor: Vincent Deinum and Jacomina Bazen

Socials & Contact information
Mail: info@uturn.world
Link to 1-Day Retreat: https://uturn.dudaone.com/retreats#money
Link to website: www.uturn.world
Link to Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uturnworld/