Contact On: Exploring contact with ourselves, others and the world

Tijdstip: 07-05-2024 van 19:00 tot 21:30
Prijs: Per workshop: Early bird price: €22.50 / Regular price: €27.50 Workshop Series (5 workshops): €97.50 per persoon
Inloopconsult: Nee
Engelstalig: Ja
find more detailed information about each workshop and purchase your tickets here Naar organisator

Workshop 3: Embracing contact with others while honouring yourself

This is a series of 5 independent yet connected workshops for people seeking more meaningful and authentic contact with themselves and others. Each workshop is designed to provide a safe space where we can experiment and learn from and with each other.

The workshop series takes us on a journey of expanding awareness and deepening contact.

We will start with two workshops on noticing what is going on within us, including our mental, emotional and physical states, and exploring how these are interconnected. We will learn how to look at our sensations, feelings and thoughts with curiosity and compassion and use them to inform our actions.

The next two workshops explore how these internal experiences shape and are shaped in our interactions with others. We will experiment with expressing ourselves, communicating our needs and boundaries, and supporting others in doing the same.

In the final workshop of our series, we’ll further explore authentic and purposeful engagement with the world, using our values to guide our actions and expand our sense of connection and belonging.

Our focus is on experiential learning which means that we learn together by trying and doing and our experiences as individuals and as a group are more important than any theories or concepts. We believe that such experiences will support you to connect with your authentic self, show up in meaningful ways in your relationships, and live life to the fullest.


Each workshop focuses on a specific theme that we will explore through different practices. Every session will offer a variety of experiential activities designed to foster self-discovery and meaningful interaction. This may include guided individual practices, interactive group discussions, creative exercises, pair verbal and non-verbal.

You can attend one, some, or all workshops based on your interests. While attending multiple workshops will allow you to broaden and deepen your experience, each session stands alone, offering you a valuable, holistic experience.

Do honour us by bringing your true self and enriching our joint journey with your presence.

The organisers
We are Kim and Ania, Gestalt therapists in training and we have experience supporting a diverse range of people across different contexts. Kim has a background in psychology, coaching and counselling and Ania is coaching and facilitating teams and organizations in the corporate world.
We are two curious minds passionate about fostering genuine connections. We believe that magic happens when we can engage authentically, explore curiously and savour experiences fully. As lifelong learners, we continually seek new ways to explore ourselves, others and the world around us and we are excited to co-create a space with other people who want to join us.
