Creating Perfect Health

Tijdstip: 13-05-2023 van 09:30 tot 17:00
Prijs: € 69,- / book for two € 115,- per keer
Inloopconsult: Nee
Engelstalig: Ja
Naar organisator

Investering: € 69,- / book for two € 115,-

During this full day seminar, Loren will teach you the same principles he has thaught to ten of thousands in over fifty countries over the last 27 years and that he has used to maintain an amazing level of health, vitality, fitness and mental clarity for the last 34 years withhout a day sick. Loren maintains a high level of fitness, works an incredible schedule, and still has amazing energy and mental clarity all the time.

The Full Day Seminar includes:

Achieve & Maintain Full Hydration

Maximize Health, Vitality & Longevity
Be Happier & Enjoy Life to the Fullest
Amazing Fitness in 20 minutes/day

The Laws of Nature To Your Benefit
Mental, Spiritual & Intuitive Powers
Optimal Diet & Nutriotion (without supplements)
Prevent & Reverse Aging

7 Keys to Optimal Health
Heal Any Condition As Quickly & Effective as Possible
And Much More!

Information and/or registration:
