Morning Satsang With Mohanji
Morning Satsang with Mohanji
We are very pleased and honored to welcome Mohanji to the Netherlands! This time due to his many international activities it’ll be a short summer visit. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet Mohanji, ask him your burning questions and let yourself be inspired by his teachings, both spiritual, highly practical and relevant for the time we live in!
About Mohanji:
Mohanji describes himself as a friend of the world, trying to raise the awareness of generations from selfishness to selflessness. His mission is to awaken kindness in the hearts of people. His love extends to all the beings on earth and he walks the path of ahimsa (non-violence) in thought, word and action.
Mohanji brings awareness about the highest knowledge in the most simple and practical way. He advocates that one can continue to evolve spiritually, while simultaneously living and experiencing everyday life.
His core teaching is simply “Be You” – accept, understand, recognise and express your uniqueness in the world.
About the program:
Guided meditation
Mohanji’s transformative free guided meditations play a significant role in creating a better daily life. They help us free ourselves from trauma, fears and emotional pain, enable and accelerate the development of faith and trust in oneself and others and much more!
Join us at the program and experience ‘Freedom’ meditation. This short guided meditation works well to help us experience our inner world and to experience lightness and a feeling of real freedom. It is also a great shorter meditation for the busy world we live in. Taking 10 minutes a day for ourselves can help us feel freedom from within, lightness, boost self-confidence and improve performance.
Satsang with Mohanji
During the Satsang (or Q&A) Mohanji will take time to answer all burning existential questions in a very practical no-nonsense way. Be inspired by the simplicity and practicality of his teachings about spirituality and personal development.
Book signing
“Who am I? “Where have I come from?” “Why am I here?” “What is my purpose?” “Why do people suffer?” “What is karma?”
Such burning questions have intrigued many since time immemorial. Mohanji’s books are there to give you answers to all such questions! In Mohanji’s words: “These books have been compiled to aid you to find your SELF and stay with your own soul. Those who are not eligible to read these books will not get to see it; Those who are casual readers will not understand these books; Those who were awaiting this message will take the cue and the next step..”
At the event you will be able to buy Mohanji’s books and get them signed by him.
Suggested minimum donation: 30 euros
Note: we are charging a minimum fee/donation of 30 euros to cover the
costs. If you find our mission important and can contribute more, feel
free to fill in a larger amount, it is highly appreciated. We are an ANBI
foundation which guarantees that all the money we earn is spent for
righteous purposes.
Bezoek de Roos
De Roos
P.C. Hooftstraat 183
1071 BW Amsterdam
T: 020-6890081
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