Neurographica Workshop “Draw your Happiness”

Tijdstip: 13-07-2023 van 18:00 tot 21:30
Prijs: € 40 euro, 35 Euro with early bird discount avail. until July 5th per persoon
Inloopconsult: Nee
Engelstalig: Ja
Naar organisator

Neurographica® is a unique art and psychology method that immediately puts your mind in a relaxed state of flow, synergistically connecting your subconscious with the tips of your fingers as you draw.

On this warm July evening, I invite you to join a Neurographica Drawing session and explore the topic of happiness.

We will take a pause in our busy lives to slow down and design how our happiness will look in the future by drawing a special Neurographica algorithm. We will also have the opportunity to share reflections with each other in a safe space.

One of the principles of Neurographica is “Drawing is easy,” so I welcome everyone, regardless of your drawing skills! All materials will be provided.

The session will last approximately 3.5 hours, and I promise that time will fly by! We will have a short tea break in the middle.

This is not only an opportunity to learn a new method that brings positive changes but also a chance to make new connections with like-minded people.

Sign up by the link

USE CODE “EARLYBIRD” to get 5 euro Off if booked until July 5th!


About your host:

Anna Naumova is a certified facilitator, Neurographica Instructor (2023), and a trainee Aesthetic coach.

She has been involved in personal development practices since being 14 years old when she discovered her first yoga book at a store. Fast forward to 2021, she made the decision to leave her 15-year career in IT and dedicate herself full-time to work as a facilitator, discovering Neurographica along the way.

Impressed by the benefits it brought to her, her friends, and her clients, she has now opened CoCreate Lab to provide more people with the opportunity to learn the power of this unique method and positively transform their lives

Follow her instagram for updates


About Neurographica:

The method is created in 2014 by Pavel Piskarev, D.Sc, Prof. and already present in 38 countries. The Theory of Neurographica is built on scientific principles using the knowledge of visual thinking in combination with the laws and patterns identified by various schools of psychology.

The method is patented, and it is exclusively taught by certified practitioners.

“We are reintroducing the skill of handwriting to people, as its decline poses a risk for humanity in competing with the world of machines and artificial intelligence.”

Pavel Piskarev


Here are just few of impressions from people who have tried Neurographica sessions:

“My inner voice said ‘Just Go’ – I want to start working on my idea tomorrow.”

“I’ve learned that I didn’t value my efforts enough, and now I will practice more self-compassion.”

“I became relaxed, and the problem I came with is no longer bothering me.”

“I’ve realized that I already have so many resources, and I have full rights to it”