Inloopconsult Human Design

Logo Jan Groot

Human Design geeft je inzicht in jezelf

Inzicht in wat jou uniek maakt en in jouw specifieke bijdrage.

Waar ga je weg bij jezelf en wat je daaraan kunt doen.

Leven vanuit je kracht
Human Design is een manier van kijken naar onszelf en anderen die je inzicht geeft in hoe je klokje tikt. Waar je kracht ligt, maar ook je valkuilen. En hoe je daar effectief mee om kunt gaan. Het geeft inzicht in jouw unieke kwaliteiten en hoe je een wezenlijke bijdrage levert aan het geheel. Puur door wie je bent. De last die van je schouders valt door niet meer te proberen tegen je eigen energie in te gaan is meestal overweldigend. Het brengt je een gevoel van vrijheid. Dingen gaan meer vanzelf. De weerstand in je leven neemt af.

– Inzicht in hoe jouw klokje tikt
– Inzicht in hoe je in je flow komt
– Jezelf en je partner beter begrijpen, je vrienden, familie, je werkrelatie of je kinderen
– Meer vanuit jezelf leven, vanuit jouw persoonlijke kracht
– Meer vervulling in je leven met minder frustratie

Jan Groot houdt inloopspreekuren bij de Roos met korte consulten van 20 minuten waar je zonder afspraak welkom bent.

Heb je behoefte aan een langer consult, maak dan een afspraak.

Inloopconsult Human Design

Logo Jan Groot

Human Design geeft je inzicht in jezelf

Inzicht in wat jou uniek maakt en in jouw specifieke bijdrage.

Waar ga je weg bij jezelf en wat je daaraan kunt doen.

Leven vanuit je kracht
Human Design is een manier van kijken naar onszelf en anderen die je inzicht geeft in hoe je klokje tikt. Waar je kracht ligt, maar ook je valkuilen. En hoe je daar effectief mee om kunt gaan. Het geeft inzicht in jouw unieke kwaliteiten en hoe je een wezenlijke bijdrage levert aan het geheel. Puur door wie je bent. De last die van je schouders valt door niet meer te proberen tegen je eigen energie in te gaan is meestal overweldigend. Het brengt je een gevoel van vrijheid. Dingen gaan meer vanzelf. De weerstand in je leven neemt af.

– Inzicht in hoe jouw klokje tikt
– Inzicht in hoe je in je flow komt
– Jezelf en je partner beter begrijpen, je vrienden, familie, je werkrelatie of je kinderen
– Meer vanuit jezelf leven, vanuit jouw persoonlijke kracht
– Meer vervulling in je leven met minder frustratie

Jan Groot houdt inloopspreekuren bij de Roos met korte consulten van 20 minuten waar je zonder afspraak welkom bent.

Heb je behoefte aan een langer consult, maak dan een afspraak.

Inloopconsult Human Design

Logo Jan Groot

Human Design geeft je inzicht in jezelf

Inzicht in wat jou uniek maakt en in jouw specifieke bijdrage.

Waar ga je weg bij jezelf en wat je daaraan kunt doen.

Leven vanuit je kracht
Human Design is een manier van kijken naar onszelf en anderen die je inzicht geeft in hoe je klokje tikt. Waar je kracht ligt, maar ook je valkuilen. En hoe je daar effectief mee om kunt gaan. Het geeft inzicht in jouw unieke kwaliteiten en hoe je een wezenlijke bijdrage levert aan het geheel. Puur door wie je bent. De last die van je schouders valt door niet meer te proberen tegen je eigen energie in te gaan is meestal overweldigend. Het brengt je een gevoel van vrijheid. Dingen gaan meer vanzelf. De weerstand in je leven neemt af.

– Inzicht in hoe jouw klokje tikt
– Inzicht in hoe je in je flow komt
– Jezelf en je partner beter begrijpen, je vrienden, familie, je werkrelatie of je kinderen
– Meer vanuit jezelf leven, vanuit jouw persoonlijke kracht
– Meer vervulling in je leven met minder frustratie

Jan Groot houdt inloopspreekuren bij de Roos met korte consulten van 20 minuten waar je zonder afspraak welkom bent.

Heb je behoefte aan een langer consult, maak dan een afspraak.

Inloopconsult Human Design

Logo Jan Groot

Human Design geeft je inzicht in jezelf

Inzicht in wat jou uniek maakt en in jouw specifieke bijdrage.

Waar ga je weg bij jezelf en wat je daaraan kunt doen.

Leven vanuit je kracht
Human Design is een manier van kijken naar onszelf en anderen die je inzicht geeft in hoe je klokje tikt. Waar je kracht ligt, maar ook je valkuilen. En hoe je daar effectief mee om kunt gaan. Het geeft inzicht in jouw unieke kwaliteiten en hoe je een wezenlijke bijdrage levert aan het geheel. Puur door wie je bent. De last die van je schouders valt door niet meer te proberen tegen je eigen energie in te gaan is meestal overweldigend. Het brengt je een gevoel van vrijheid. Dingen gaan meer vanzelf. De weerstand in je leven neemt af.

– Inzicht in hoe jouw klokje tikt
– Inzicht in hoe je in je flow komt
– Jezelf en je partner beter begrijpen, je vrienden, familie, je werkrelatie of je kinderen
– Meer vanuit jezelf leven, vanuit jouw persoonlijke kracht
– Meer vervulling in je leven met minder frustratie

Jan Groot houdt inloopspreekuren bij de Roos met korte consulten van 20 minuten waar je zonder afspraak welkom bent.

Heb je behoefte aan een langer consult, maak dan een afspraak.

Inloopconsult Human Design

Logo Jan Groot

Human Design geeft je inzicht in jezelf

Inzicht in wat jou uniek maakt en in jouw specifieke bijdrage.

Waar ga je weg bij jezelf en wat je daaraan kunt doen.

Leven vanuit je kracht
Human Design is een manier van kijken naar onszelf en anderen die je inzicht geeft in hoe je klokje tikt. Waar je kracht ligt, maar ook je valkuilen. En hoe je daar effectief mee om kunt gaan. Het geeft inzicht in jouw unieke kwaliteiten en hoe je een wezenlijke bijdrage levert aan het geheel. Puur door wie je bent. De last die van je schouders valt door niet meer te proberen tegen je eigen energie in te gaan is meestal overweldigend. Het brengt je een gevoel van vrijheid. Dingen gaan meer vanzelf. De weerstand in je leven neemt af.

– Inzicht in hoe jouw klokje tikt
– Inzicht in hoe je in je flow komt
– Jezelf en je partner beter begrijpen, je vrienden, familie, je werkrelatie of je kinderen
– Meer vanuit jezelf leven, vanuit jouw persoonlijke kracht
– Meer vervulling in je leven met minder frustratie

Jan Groot houdt inloopspreekuren bij de Roos met korte consulten van 20 minuten waar je zonder afspraak welkom bent.

Heb je behoefte aan een langer consult, maak dan een afspraak.

Workshop – Staying Sane in Turbulent Times

Workshop – Staying Sane in Turbulent Times

[To read this text in English, please scroll down]

We leven in interessante tijden. Een tsunami aan – vaak tegenstrijdige – informatie waarmee we voortdurend worden gebombardeerd, is voor velen van ons stressvol. Ook wanneer we ons er niet bewust van zijn kunnen we ons soms overweldigd voelen. Het vinden van een eigen pad en het nemen van gefundeerde beslissingen kan een uitdaging zijn. Hiervoor dient informatie van buitenaf afgewogen te worden tegen informatie die intern ontstaat door subtiele (of minder subtiele) gevoelens, dromen en lichamelijke symptomen.

Heel vaak worden we afgeleid van wat we echt van binnen voelen en meegesleept door de behoefte om ergens bij te willen horen. Daardoor laten we geregeld onze diepste waarden en intuïties varen en maken we keuzes die niet in lijn zijn met onze essentie. Tegelijkertijd beoordelen velen van ons hun levenskeuzes op dit moment opnieuw, worden nieuwe vrijheden ontdekt en een grotere verbinding met het geheel gevoeld.

Deze workshop is bedoeld om je te ondersteunen bij het verkrijgen van toegang tot je innerlijke kompas, het kennisniveau dat je op één lijn brengt met je zieledoel. Daardoor wordt het gemakkelijker om je eigen pad te volgen en heb je minder kans om te vervallen in hersenloos conformisme aan de ene kant of dwangmatig rebelleren aan de andere. Hoe? In een warme en ondersteunende sfeer maken we gebruik van oefeningen op basis van de Tarot, geleide meditatie, lichaamswerk en droomwerk. Felice Derkinderen en Zelda Hall zetten hun expertise en jarenlange ervaring in om je te begeleiden bij het ontdekken van je eigen unieke pad.

De kosten van deze workshop van 11.00 tot 17.00 uur op zondag 21 april in een prachtige ruimte van de Roos aan het Vondelpark zijn 125 euro. De voertaal tijdens deze dag is Engels, vertaling naar het Nederlands is mogelijk indien gewenst. Voor vragen of aanmeldingen kun je via email contact opnemen met Felice:



“I learned from both ladies the importance of rituals as well as learning again to listen to myself, my intuition, because, I am, the expert and can learn what is best for me. However sometimes I need a guide to help get me out of my own maze. And both Zelda and Felice were trustworthy expert guides. Or navigators …” Carol

“The soul path has many ports of entry. How differently similar our journeys can be in terms of navigating small and big changes in our lives. I was mesmerized by this well-grounded workshop duo. Felice holds an almost childlike delight, and excitement in her heart to share her deep insights into the symbolic wisdom that the Tarot journey can bring to any inquisitive traveller, and her twenty-five years of gained knowledge was clearly demonstrated throughout the day. Zelda with her highly intuitive, creative prowess combining dream insights with ethereal wisdom is heart-warming. Her inspiration to always look deeper, and further than that which meets the eye lingers with one. Thanks for an inspiring day!” Irize


We are living in interesting times. A tsunami of information, often conflicting, with which we are continually bombarded, is for many of us stressful. Even if this is not always on a conscious level, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Finding our own path and making well founded decisions can be challenging. In order to do this we must be able to weigh up information coming from outside and information which arises internally through subtle (or not so subtle) feelings, dreams and body symptoms.

Very often we can become distracted from what we really feel inside and get carried along in wanting to belong. So we abandon our deepest values and intuitions and make choices which are not aligned with our essence. Yet at the same time there are many of us currently reassessing our life choices, sensing new freedom and greater connection with the whole.

This workshop is designed to support you in accessing your inner compass, that level of knowledge that brings you into alignment with your soul purpose. So that there is more ease in following your own path and less likelihood of falling into mindless conformism on one hand or compulsive rebellion on the other. How? In a warm and supportive atmosphere we will use exercises based on the Tarot, guided meditation, bodywork and dreamwork. Felice Derkinderen and Zelda Hall will use their expertise and years of experience in guiding you in the discovery of your own unique path.

The cost of this workshop between 11:00 and 17:00 on Sunday April 21st at a beautiful location from de Roos at the Vondelpark is 125 euros. The main language during this day is English. For registration or questions please contact Felice via email:

Zelda Hall:
Felice Derkinderen:

(Re)connection in compassion, Women circle

(Re)connection in compassion, Women circle

Embark on an exploration journey, initiating the process of self-enquiry.

(Re)connect with your inner-self, heal from past trauma, release limiting beliefs, learn regulation tools and explore the origin of your emotional and physical pain.

What can you expect ?

Join a group of up to 10 women for a 10 weeks program led by a certified Compassionate Inquiry® practitioner.

This program provides a powerful therapeutic space where you can witness each other’s healing through the application of the Compassionate Inquiry approach, offering support, understanding, and insights.

You will also receive short individual Compassionate Inquiry® sessions.

Is it for me?

Reconnection in Compassion is for you if you are more than 18, want to connect with your true self, explore your inner voice, are prepared for a deep experience that may be triggering and bring up unresolved childhood issues, and connect with a supportive community of women.

The circle does not work for you if you are actively engaged in substance addiction, if you experienced suicidal ideations in the last six months, or if you’re a fundamentalist of any persuasion. The experience is about openness, curiosity, and compassion.

Detailed conditions available on the website.

If you are not sure this is for you, do not hesitate to email me at, I will answer your questions.

Circle Leader

I am Cécile, French mother of two, living in the Netherlands, a few minutes biking from beautiful Amsterdam.

Being diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases in my early 40s changed my life. For years I had ignored my body and my emotions – physical pain and discomfort, chronic stress and anxiety, treating it as something I needed to control, overcome, master. This diagnostic, or more accurately the ensemble of symptoms it described, was the fire alarm that I needed to reevaluate how I handled life in general – work with my body and my feelings instead of against them.

I used the analytic, organized and resourceful mind that a career in finance gave me to research and study how I could become healthier and happier.

My personal journey led me to professionally learn the tools that helped me so I could offer resources to others ; I first trained as a Transformative Coach, then dived in Gabor Mate’s work and became a certified Compassionate Inquiry practitioner, now studying the field of Somatic psychedelic facilitator.


I interact with people from a place of compassion, trust & playfulness.

I build a safe space in which I can connect with people and, more importantly, in which they can connect with themselves at a deep level. I have always seen people beyond how they present themselves to the world. My deep belief is that we all have power, strength, healing capacities – and I enjoy bringing the light onto it, witnessing people step into their power  session after session. It’s never too late, we are never too broken – there are always so many possibilities.

(Re)connection in compassion, Women circle

(Re)connection in compassion, Women circle

Embark on an exploration journey, initiating the process of self-enquiry.

(Re)connect with your inner-self, heal from past trauma, release limiting beliefs, learn regulation tools and explore the origin of your emotional and physical pain.

What can you expect ?

Join a group of up to 10 women for a 10 weeks program led by a certified Compassionate Inquiry® practitioner.

This program provides a powerful therapeutic space where you can witness each other’s healing through the application of the Compassionate Inquiry approach, offering support, understanding, and insights.

You will also receive short individual Compassionate Inquiry® sessions.

Is it for me?

Reconnection in Compassion is for you if you are more than 18, want to connect with your true self, explore your inner voice, are prepared for a deep experience that may be triggering and bring up unresolved childhood issues, and connect with a supportive community of women.

The circle does not work for you if you are actively engaged in substance addiction, if you experienced suicidal ideations in the last six months, or if you’re a fundamentalist of any persuasion. The experience is about openness, curiosity, and compassion.

Detailed conditions available on the website.

If you are not sure this is for you, do not hesitate to email me at, I will answer your questions.

Circle Leader

I am Cécile, French mother of two, living in the Netherlands, a few minutes biking from beautiful Amsterdam.

Being diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases in my early 40s changed my life. For years I had ignored my body and my emotions – physical pain and discomfort, chronic stress and anxiety, treating it as something I needed to control, overcome, master. This diagnostic, or more accurately the ensemble of symptoms it described, was the fire alarm that I needed to reevaluate how I handled life in general – work with my body and my feelings instead of against them.

I used the analytic, organized and resourceful mind that a career in finance gave me to research and study how I could become healthier and happier.

My personal journey led me to professionally learn the tools that helped me so I could offer resources to others ; I first trained as a Transformative Coach, then dived in Gabor Mate’s work and became a certified Compassionate Inquiry practitioner, now studying the field of Somatic psychedelic facilitator.


I interact with people from a place of compassion, trust & playfulness.

I build a safe space in which I can connect with people and, more importantly, in which they can connect with themselves at a deep level. I have always seen people beyond how they present themselves to the world. My deep belief is that we all have power, strength, healing capacities – and I enjoy bringing the light onto it, witnessing people step into their power  session after session. It’s never too late, we are never too broken – there are always so many possibilities.

(Re)connection in compassion, Women circle

(Re)connection in compassion, Women circle

Embark on an exploration journey, initiating the process of self-enquiry.

(Re)connect with your inner-self, heal from past trauma, release limiting beliefs, learn regulation tools and explore the origin of your emotional and physical pain.

What can you expect ?

Join a group of up to 10 women for a 10 weeks program led by a certified Compassionate Inquiry® practitioner.

This program provides a powerful therapeutic space where you can witness each other’s healing through the application of the Compassionate Inquiry approach, offering support, understanding, and insights.

You will also receive short individual Compassionate Inquiry® sessions.

Is it for me?

Reconnection in Compassion is for you if you are more than 18, want to connect with your true self, explore your inner voice, are prepared for a deep experience that may be triggering and bring up unresolved childhood issues, and connect with a supportive community of women.

The circle does not work for you if you are actively engaged in substance addiction, if you experienced suicidal ideations in the last six months, or if you’re a fundamentalist of any persuasion. The experience is about openness, curiosity, and compassion.

Detailed conditions available on the website.

If you are not sure this is for you, do not hesitate to email me at, I will answer your questions.

Circle Leader

I am Cécile, French mother of two, living in the Netherlands, a few minutes biking from beautiful Amsterdam.

Being diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases in my early 40s changed my life. For years I had ignored my body and my emotions – physical pain and discomfort, chronic stress and anxiety, treating it as something I needed to control, overcome, master. This diagnostic, or more accurately the ensemble of symptoms it described, was the fire alarm that I needed to reevaluate how I handled life in general – work with my body and my feelings instead of against them.

I used the analytic, organized and resourceful mind that a career in finance gave me to research and study how I could become healthier and happier.

My personal journey led me to professionally learn the tools that helped me so I could offer resources to others ; I first trained as a Transformative Coach, then dived in Gabor Mate’s work and became a certified Compassionate Inquiry practitioner, now studying the field of Somatic psychedelic facilitator.


I interact with people from a place of compassion, trust & playfulness.

I build a safe space in which I can connect with people and, more importantly, in which they can connect with themselves at a deep level. I have always seen people beyond how they present themselves to the world. My deep belief is that we all have power, strength, healing capacities – and I enjoy bringing the light onto it, witnessing people step into their power  session after session. It’s never too late, we are never too broken – there are always so many possibilities.

(Re)connection in compassion, Women circle

(Re)connection in compassion, Women circle

Embark on an exploration journey, initiating the process of self-enquiry.

(Re)connect with your inner-self, heal from past trauma, release limiting beliefs, learn regulation tools and explore the origin of your emotional and physical pain.

What can you expect ?

Join a group of up to 10 women for a 10 weeks program led by a certified Compassionate Inquiry® practitioner.

This program provides a powerful therapeutic space where you can witness each other’s healing through the application of the Compassionate Inquiry approach, offering support, understanding, and insights.

You will also receive short individual Compassionate Inquiry® sessions.

Is it for me?

Reconnection in Compassion is for you if you are more than 18, want to connect with your true self, explore your inner voice, are prepared for a deep experience that may be triggering and bring up unresolved childhood issues, and connect with a supportive community of women.

The circle does not work for you if you are actively engaged in substance addiction, if you experienced suicidal ideations in the last six months, or if you’re a fundamentalist of any persuasion. The experience is about openness, curiosity, and compassion.

Detailed conditions available on the website.

If you are not sure this is for you, do not hesitate to email me at, I will answer your questions.

Circle Leader

I am Cécile, French mother of two, living in the Netherlands, a few minutes biking from beautiful Amsterdam.

Being diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases in my early 40s changed my life. For years I had ignored my body and my emotions – physical pain and discomfort, chronic stress and anxiety, treating it as something I needed to control, overcome, master. This diagnostic, or more accurately the ensemble of symptoms it described, was the fire alarm that I needed to reevaluate how I handled life in general – work with my body and my feelings instead of against them.

I used the analytic, organized and resourceful mind that a career in finance gave me to research and study how I could become healthier and happier.

My personal journey led me to professionally learn the tools that helped me so I could offer resources to others ; I first trained as a Transformative Coach, then dived in Gabor Mate’s work and became a certified Compassionate Inquiry practitioner, now studying the field of Somatic psychedelic facilitator.


I interact with people from a place of compassion, trust & playfulness.

I build a safe space in which I can connect with people and, more importantly, in which they can connect with themselves at a deep level. I have always seen people beyond how they present themselves to the world. My deep belief is that we all have power, strength, healing capacities – and I enjoy bringing the light onto it, witnessing people step into their power  session after session. It’s never too late, we are never too broken – there are always so many possibilities.