Advaita Talks with Wayne Liquorman

Advaita Talks with Wayne Liquorman

Wayne Liquorman will be visiting the Netherlands again in spring 2023. In this intimate gathering of the Living Teaching of Advaita the heart, the mind, and ALL else is included. Be welcome and discover the wisdom of “not two”.

Friday March 31st 2023, 19:00 – 21:00 € 20
Saturday April 1st 2023, 13:30 – 17:30 € 60
Sunday April 2nd 2023, 10:00 – 14:00 € 60

Or special price for all three meetings: € 130

Locatie: De Roos (filosofenkamer)

Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat 183

1071 BW Amsterdam

Limited number of places. Please reserve your spot by emailing Barbara van der Vlugt and Erik Theissing at

For extra information visit:

Introductory morning: The Aura – your electrical ecology: what is it for and how can you influence it?

Please subscribe in advance via our website:

Georganiseerd door Phoenix Dynamics

Kom naar één van de Phoenix Dynamics lezingen en ontdek nieuwe werelden en wijsheden. Wij zijn een esoterische school voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling, in Nederland. In Amsterdam is een persoonlijke ontwikkelingsgroep van Phoenix Dynamics open voor nieuwe studenten. Je bent van harte welkom om te ontdekken wat onze school voor jou kan betekenen. Neem contact met ons op of kom naar één of meer lezingen.

Introductory morning: Frozen rhythms in time – initiation into the magic of symbols and numbers

Please subscribe in advance via our website:

Georganiseerd door Phoenix Dynamics

Kom naar één van de Phoenix Dynamics lezingen en ontdek nieuwe werelden en wijsheden. Wij zijn een esoterische school voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling, in Nederland. In Amsterdam is een persoonlijke ontwikkelingsgroep van Phoenix Dynamics open voor nieuwe studenten. Je bent van harte welkom om te ontdekken wat onze school voor jou kan betekenen. Neem contact met ons op of kom naar één of meer lezingen.

Lars Muhl “The Light Within A Human Heart” – Talk in deRoos, Freitag

This talk is about Lars new book “The Light Within A Human Heart”

What is that Light?
How do we recognise it, activate it and experience it?
How can we live by it in everyday life?
How do we leave the world of questions and enter into the world of answers where the real spiritual life starts? When are we starting to take the reality of the etherial reality seriously?

Danish Author, Musician and Mystic Lars Muhl comes back to deRoos for a transformational talk about the teachings in his new book “The Light Within A Human Heart” and a Healing evening. In his own signature way, he is connecting humour, story telling, old Essene wisdom and practises, sacred chants and toning and he will be working with the group consciousness of the people present on the evening. We will connect to our core, the inner Light that is always present within us and is offering us all guidance, inspiration and shelter we need, once we ourself connect to it and keep that union in our everyday awareness.

The book contains the teachings of the Divine Masculine and Feminine, represented by two Voices within the book, that both guide us through this outstanding and transformative journey we will experience through reading – Asaph, the One that only writes what pleases O, and Taxo Luma, the One that gives herself to Love.

These Two have been emerging as inner voices in Lars’ spiritual practice, and are representing our Divine Union, that will manifest itself in our lives once we are ready to integrate all connected aspects of these principles.

“It is my deep wish to help people to find Truth in the old scriptures and their hidden messages. Since many years, Asaph has been my connection to the teachings of the Essenes (The Keepers of Light). Now I finally have followed a request I have felt since a very long time within me: to put his teachings into a form that hopefully will reach many people, so the ancient wisdom of the Essenes will be present in our time now, to help us through the transformation which is happening on all levels on this planet today. While writing, the presence of Taxo was always with me, as if she was a witness, or a guardian to the wisdom and knowledge that came through.”

The book will be available on the night in deRoos.

Buy tickets here:

Practical information

Language: English.
Contact for questions:

Time: Friday, 14 October 2022 at 19.00-21.00 / 7.00-9.00 pm.
Place: De Roos (The Rose in Dutch), in the ‘Hooftzaal’,
P.C. Hooftstraat 183, 1071 BW Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Centrally located in Amsterdam city.
It’s possible to buy organic and vegetarian food in the venue’s cafe.

Price for the talk: 30 EUR / 220 DKK.



Bhagavad Gita cursusdag

De Bhagavad Gita is een van de belangrijkste teksten in de onderwijstraditie van Advaita Vedanta. Een fonkelende juweel in de vorm van 700 verzen, middenin het beroemde epos de Mahabharata. Krishna ontvouwt in de Bhagavad Gita de visie van de Upanishads: het zelf is onbegrensd, altijd vrij van elk gebrek, de bron van geluk. Aan de hand van enkele Bhagavad Gita-verzen verdiepen we ons tijdens deze cursusdag in zelfkennis.

Bhagavad Gita

De cursusdag wordt gegeven door Rommert van Dijk. Hij volgde een driejarige traditionele Vedanta- en Sanskrietstudie onder leiding van Swami Dayananda Saraswati. Sinds 2015 geeft hij doorlopende Vedanta-studies in Lelystad en online.

De cursusdag is van 10.00 tot 16.00 uur en bestaat uit drie lesuren en een vraag-en-antwoordsessie. Iedereen is welkom. Voorkennis is niet nodig.
Kosten: € 40,-

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